The campus community fridge is designed by students for students to combat food insecurity on campus.
This project was made possible by five sustainability students who dedicated their capstone project to this initiative.
Fridge guidelines
THE FRIDGE IS NOT FOR PERSONAL USE. Please do not leave any personal items in the fridge or pantry. All items left in the fridge or pantry are free to be taken.
DONATIONS ARE WELCOME. We rely on donations to keep the fridge stocked! If you are donating please refer to our donation guidelines. We appreciate your support!
JUDGEMENT- FREE ZONE. This resource is free and not monitored. Anyone can use the fridge and pantry. Take what you need and give what you can.
BE RESPECTFUL. Please treat the fridge with respect and consideration, our volunteers work hard to keep it clean and tidy for community.
FOOD SAFETY. Please be considerate of what you donate and where you put it. All perishable food items should be stored in the fridge. Non-perishables can be stored in the pantry. Please do not leave any food outside the fridge/pantry. Please refer to the donation dos’s & don’ts for more details.
Accepted donations
Milk, Cheese, Yogurt - must be sealed and store bought.
Must be unopened and store bought.
Vegetables and Fruits (Berrys are appreciated!)
dry good - canned goods, pasta, peanut butter, chips, granola bars, coffee, tea, spices. All items must be unopened.
Instant Ramen, Canned Soup, ect. If you are a food establishment with a permit and wish to donate to the fridge please email fridge@loadedladle.com
Microwave Meals, Frozen Pizza, Chicken Nuggets.
Juice, water, gatorade, meal replacements.
Not Accepted Donations
Bruised, expired, moldy, not edible.
All food must be unopened. if you are donating individually wrapped items, you may remove them from their external packaging.
Foods must be prepared in a certified kitchen. If you are a food establishment with a permit and wish to donate to the fridge please email fridge@loadedladle.com
We do not accept any uncooked meats at this time.
All items must include an ingredient list and expiry date.
These items are not permitted and will be removed immediately. This includes any items such as rubbing alcohol, mouth wash, or vitamines.
We are not accepting clothing, books, hygiene products, home goods, ect at this time. This creates more work for volunteers to remove them.
This fridge is funded by grants and operated by volunteers.
Interested in volunteering with the Campus Community Fridge? Help us with fundraising, grant writing, grocery shopping, and more!
Contact campus@loadedladle.com
DSU Food Bank
Dal Bike Centre
Find us
7:30 am - 11 pm
Fri: 7:30 am - Midnight
Sat: 9 am - 11 pm
Sun: 9 am - 9 pm
*dependent on holidays and SUB operational hours.
Dalhousie Student Union Building (Basement, across from the Book Store)
6136 University Ave
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS B3H 4R2
*electric doors, elevator access.
Email Fridge@loadedladle.com
Instagram @campuscommunityfridge
*please be patient for a response, these accounts are run by volunteers.